28-29 January 2021
Postępy w chirurgii tarczycy i przytarczyc
prof. dr hab. n. med. Marek Dedecjus
28-29 stycznia 2020 roku
We invite you to familiarize yourself with the details of the program.
09:00 - 10:20
09:00 - 09:05
09:05 - 09:25
09:25 - 09:45
09:45 - 10:05
10:05 - 10:20
10:20 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:50
10:30 - 10:50
10:50 - 11:10
11:10 - 11:30
11:30 - 11:50
11:50 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:20
12:00 - 12:20
12:20 - 12:40
12:40 - 13:00
13:00 - 13:20
13:20 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:50
13:30 - 13:50
13:50 - 14:10
14:10 - 14:30
14:30 - 14:50
14:50 - 15:00
15:00 - 16:25
15:00 - 15:20
15:20 - 15:40
15:40 - 16:10
16:10 - 16:25
16:25 - 16:30
16:30 - 17:50
16:30 - 16:50
16:50 - 17:10
17:10 - 17:30
17:30 - 17:50
08:30 - 09:00
09:00 - 10:20
09:00 - 09:20
09:20 - 09:40
09:40 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:20
10:20 - 10:30
10:30 - 12:00
10:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:45
11:45 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:20
12:00 - 12:20
12:20 - 12:40
12:40 - 13:00
13:00 - 13:20
13:20 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:50
13:30 - 13:50
13:50 - 14:10
14:10 - 14:30
14:30 - 14:50
14:50 - 15:00
15:00 - 16:30
15:00 - 15:20
15:20 - 15:40
15:40 - 16:00
16:00 - 16:20
16:20 - 16:30